Monday, September 15, 2008


We attended our new ward for the first time yesterday. We loved it. The people there were so kind and welcoming. It didn't feel strange at all to be in a new place. There are TONS of couples in our same stage - most of them with just one baby. There are already two ward activities planned for this week. It all makes me feel very sad. We are looking forward to the next 6 weeks in this ward, but we are sad that it has to end so soon. After we move back to our old ward, things won't be as great. We were there for a year and a half and still didn't feel as welcome as we did yesterday. This just reinforces the importance of fellowship - even towards other members. I think our old ward was just very established so it was hard to break into the clique. Plus, everyone was related to each other! It made us not even want to go to church. Here, we look forward to it. What a difference a few smiles and hellos can make.